Monday, October 27, 2008


hmm.. this morning I'm late and can't be perfect in citra test. Wew.. Hahahah.. Don't care.. I have give my best shot and pray.. ea ea ea..

Btw, I got 50.000 in my XL.. from unknown number.. Wew.. THe number is also weird too.. 08100*********

hmm.. I've called and no one answered.. But now, I know who sent it.. It's from my cousin and her friend.. Hahahah.. Thx yo!! I appreciated it..

Hmm.. just moving on in 3204.. <-- my new lab for multiproject..

Do your best!


Unknown said...

setingan tanggal nya salah tuh...
katanya ngerti...
tp tau nya nggak....sok ngerti loe... :P

Hansel said...

bener juga na..
