Friday, February 27, 2009

Linkin Park - Faint

I am a little bit of loneliness a little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints but I can’t help the fact that everyone can see
these scars
I am what I want you to want what I want you to feel
But it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you, to just believe
this is real
So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I got

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

I am a little bit insecure a little unconfident
Cause you don't understand I do what I can but sometimes I don't make
I am what you never wanna say but I've never had a doubt
It's like no matter what I do I can't convince you for once just to hear
me out
So I let go watching you turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I've got

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(Hear me out now)
(You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
(Right now)
(Hear me out now)
(You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
(Right now)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

I can't feel
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Time won't heal
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored

ten bad habits

1. buatlah daftar 10 hal dan kebiasaan (buruk) yang tidak disukai, namun apabila merasa terdapat lebih dari 10 hal/kebiasaan buruk yang tidak disukai maka silahkan ditulis semuanya.
2. sebutkan juga alasan mengapa anda tidak menyukai hal-hal/kebiasaan-kebiasaan tersebut.
3. setelah selesai membuat daftar dan penjelasan seperti yang tertera pada poin 1 & 2, maka silahkan men-tag 10 blogger lainnya.

tujuan dari tag ini adalah:

by doing this we will see what kind of bad things and bad habits are the most mentioned by bloggers, and hopefully we will awake every blogger’s consciousness to be refreshed, and finally we will leave those habits behind us.

top ten bad habbits..

1. Terlalu berhemat.. (dulu ampe disebut kikir..)
Mungkin sikap gw yg ini dikarenakan sifat turunan.. Biasanya orang Cina itu pelit2.. wokwokwok.. HMm.. Kadang2 gw jg merasa sebagai makhluk yang pelit sih.. Hahaha..

2. Kadang2 suka ceng2 in orang ampe parah bgt..
Ini kebiasaan ga bagus.. Ceng2in orang ampe orangnya marah2.. Hahahaha. kadang2 ga enak jg..

3. Kadang2 suka cuek ama beberapa orang
Hmm... Ini kebiasaan ga bagus.. gw suka membeda2kan orang2 yg ada d sekeliling gw.. Tapi harus berusaha diminimalisir..

4. Suka terbawa keadaan atau ajakan...
Hmm.. Klo gw lg bengong ga ada kerjaan.. Gw selalu sulit nolak untuk diajak maen.. Biasanya maen dotA.. hahaha.. ga bagus..

5. Kadang2 Berantem ama orang tua
Hmm.. Klo lagi bad mood dan males ngomong.. gw pernah berantem ama orang tua... Huaaa.. Ga bagus.. Gw jg suka membuat orang tua gw khawatir... SUsahnya jadi anak tunggal..

6. Klo lagi down, bisa down terus.. susah ngerubah suasana hati..
Hmm.. ini bad habit yang harus gw ubah.. Gw harus lebih bisa ngatur suasana hati dan tidak membawa persoalan ke lingkungan sekitar..

7. Suka sulit maafin orang
Hmm.. Kadang2 gw suka sulit banget maafin orang yang uda bersalah parah banget ama gw.. ea..

8. Kadang2 suka terlalu panik
Dalam menghadapi deadline atau tugas.. Gw suka terlalu panik dan khawatir.. Padahal harusnya tetap tenang.. Hmm..

9. Perfeksionis
Antara perfeksionis dan berusaha maksimal... Hmm.. Kadang2 saking maksimalnya gw bersifat perfeksionis ga jelas...

10. SUka berpikiran negatif ga jelas klo lg bad mood
Hahahaha... Klo gw lg kesel ato bad mood.. Gw suka mikir yg ngga ngga.. Hmm.. Sangatlah susah untuk tetap berpikir positif..

Hmm.. no tag.. Bagi yg mo buat.. Silakan buat..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

nidji - shadows

hey you got to be honest
you got to be the only one
you got to be the one

hey you got to stay awake
you got to start to save the world
you got to be alert

*) shadows.. shadows..
in the world we living on
shadows.. shadows..
in the world we living on

shadows .. shadows..
we’re alone in the world we own
shadows .. shadows..
we’re alone in the world we own

hey the killer of the world
the money blinded junky man
the loveless son of man
hey nothing isn’t right
the future is in so much pain
the lovers are in vein

back to *)

is this place where we fly in
is this place where we don’t win
is this the shadows that lived in our profit
is this the shadows that we all wanted

and our life are burned by the fire
of our sins and tonight
i believe that we won’t win

here in the cities
shadows on the run
nothing is real
nothing can’t be done

i am the shadows
i’m the only one
make me believe
that nothing can be done

Friday, February 20, 2009

Daniel Powter - Bad Day

Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
You tell me your blue skies fade to grey
You tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on

Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

Well, you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day

(Oh.. What a horrible day..)

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong (ahhh...)

So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh, you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

'Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day

(Oh, yeah, yeaaah, yeah)
Had a bad day
(Oh, had a bad day)
Had a bad day
(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeeeeah)
Had a bad day
(Oh, had a bad day)
Had a bad day...
Had a bad day...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


hmm.. maybe I have to retired in dotA..

Don't have the spirit again to play that game..


(baru menderita kekalahan..)

so.. what am I going to do?

1. kurangin maen dotA
2. lupakan dotA
3. belajar dengan giat
4. urusin skripsi


just carry on and keep smiling..!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Seorang wanita bertanya pada seorang pria tentang cinta dan harapan.

Wanita berkata ingin menjadi bunga terindah di dunia dan pria berkata ingin menjadi matahari. Wanita tidak mengerti kenapa pria ingin jadi matahari, bukan kupu kupu atau kumbang yang bisa terus menemani bunga.

Wanita berkata ingin menjadi rembulan dan pria berkata ingin tetap menjadi matahari. Wanita semakin bingung karena matahari dan bulan tidak bisa bertemu, tetapi pria ingin tetap jadi matahari.

Wanita berkata ingin menjadi Phoenix yang bisa terbang ke langit jauh di atas matahari dan pria berkata ia akan selalu menjadi matahari.

Wanita tersenyum pahit dan kecewa. Wanita sudah berubah 3x namun pria tetap keras kepala ingin jadi matahari tanpa mau ikut berubah bersama wanita. Maka wanita pun pergi dan tak pernah lagi kembali tanpa pernah tahu alasan kenapa pria tetap menjadi matahari.

Pria merenung sendiri dan menatap matahari.

Saat wanita jadi bunga, pria ingin menjadi matahari agar bunga dapat terus hidup. Matahari akan memberikan semua sinarnya untuk bunga agar ia tumbuh, berkembang dan terus hidup sebagai bunga yang cantik. Walau matahari tahu ia hanya dapat memandang dari jauh dan pada akhirnya kupu kupu yang akan menari bersama bunga. Ini disebut kasih yaitu memberi tanpa pamrih.

Saat wanita jadi bulan, pria tetap menjadi matahari agar bulan dapat terus bersinar indah dan dikagumi. Cahaya bulan yang indah hanyalah pantulan cahaya matahari, tetapi saat semua makhluk mengagumi bulan siapakah yang ingat kepada matahari. Matahari rela memberikan cahaya nya untuk bulan walaupun ia sendiri tidak bisa menikmati cahaya bulan, dilupakan jasanya dan kehilangan kemuliaan nya sebagai pemberi cahaya agar bulan mendapatkan kemuliaan tersebut. Ini disebut dengan Pengorbanan, menyakitkan namun sangat layak untuk cinta.

Saat wanita jadi Phoenix yang dapat terbang tinggi jauh ke langit bahkan di atas matahari, pria tetap selalu jadi matahari agar Phoenix bebas untuk pergi kapan pun ia mau dan matahari tidak akan mencegahnya. Matahari rela melepaskan phoenix untuk pergi jauh, namun matahari akan selalu menyimpan cinta yang membara di dalam hatinya hanya untuk phoenix. Matahari selalu ada untuk Phoenix kapan pun ia mau kembali walau phoenix tidak selalu ada untuk matahari. Tidak akan ada makhluk lain selain Phoenix yang bisa masuk ke dalam matahari dan mendapatkan cinta nya. Ini disebut dengan Kesetiaan, walaupun ditinggal pergi dan dikhianati namun tetap menanti dan mau memaafkan.

Pria tidak pernah menyesal menjadi matahari bagi wanita.

Pria haruslah memiliki Kelapangdadaan, Sifat Rela Berkorban, dan Kesetiaan yang tiada batas


Sometimes, it's very hard to understand something.. Hmm.. It's very hard to move forward and find another 'phoenix'.. Well.. LIfe must go on, whether you are ready or not..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I just wanna forget something.. And to be like the old days.. Hmm.. Wanna forget all the bad things I've done..

Hmm.. I really have to get a grip in my life.. But.. Argh... Forget it.. There are so many questions.. And so few answers... Maybe it's better to never feelin love in your life.. Hahahaha.. What am I talking about..?

Am I too Busy? Not Actually..

Am I too Relaxing? Not Actually..

Am I to Confused about something? Of course..

Well.. Maybe sometimes I just missed my life's spirit.. And feel bored in daily activities.. Bored in everything..


Have to be selfish people?
Have to be kind people?
Have to be ignorant people?
Have to be warm people?

Maybe I'm a bit Lost now..

Hmm.. Don't know what to do?

Maybe my heart is too hurted deep down there.. So that I can't feel anything again..


Monday, February 9, 2009

work work work

hmm.. harus baca 3 paper..

pusing.. banyak banget.. uda bahasanya bahasa ilmiah lagee.. bah..

harus super semangat nih buat baca literatur..!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

new semester

hmm.. new semester.. 12 sks.. TA + erp + jerman..


the end.