Tawar menawar (讨价还价) gampang-gampang susah. Gampang
kalo kita tau caranya, susah kalo kita orangnya ga sabaran dan kebelet
pengen beli langsung barangnya.
Syarat no 1 kalo mau jago nawar yaitu HARUS TAU KISARAN HARGANYA. Gua kasih tau nih ya, barang2 bermerk seluruh dunia tuh hampir seluruhnya diproduksinya di China
(except babies, because babies are made in va-China), jadi di China
sini banyak barang dengan merk antah berantah, tapi kualitasnya 11-12
sama barang2 bermerk yg biasa temen2 temuin di mall2 mewah di Jakarta
dan Bandung. Jadi ya, tas yg dijual di Bandung dengan harga sejuta, bisa
kita dapetin di sini barang KW1 nya dengan harga cuma 300 rb.
Tapi tentunya ga semua orang punya pengetahuan luas tentang kisaran
harga barang. Jadi gimana donk caranya supaya bisa tau harga asli
barang2 yg dijual di China?
Ada 2 cara :
1. Kalo lu jago Mandarin dan penjualnya ga tau kalo lu adalah orang asing...
Harga modal biasanya adalah 30% atau 25% dari harga yg dia ajukan.
Misalnya dia bilang barang ini harganya 100 kuai, biasanya harga yg
sebenarnya adalah 25 kuai. Jadi kalo lu mau nawar, mulai lah dari 20-25
kuai, kemudian lu naekin pelan2 dan biasanya deal harga akan terjadi di
kisaran 28-35 kuai.
2. Kalo lu ga jago Mandarin dan penjualnya tau kalo lu adalah orang asing...
Biasanya dia akan coba untuk nipu lu dengan ngasih harga yg ga masuk di
akal. Harga modal biasanya adalah 10% dari harga yg dia ajukan. Misalnya
dia bilang kalo harga suatu barang adalah 100 kuai, biasanya harga yg
sebenarnya adalah 10 kuai. Jadi kalo lu mau nawar, mulai lah dari 10
kuai, kemudian lu naekin pelan2 dan berusaha lah supaya deal harga
terjadi di kisaran 12-20 kuai.
Gimana caranya kita menerka apakah penjualnya tau kita adalah orang asing atau tidak?
Gampang, kalo lu orang asing, biasanya dia akan bicara dalam Bahasa Inggris (yg sulit dimengerti) atau nyodorin lu kalkulator
yg udah dia ketikin harganya. Tapi kalo Bahasa Mandarin lu ga lancar,
sebagian besar orang China di daerah Utara akan langsung tau bahwa lu
adalah orang asing, hahaha. Biasanya penjual barang di tempat wisata
atau di kota2 besar, bisa sedikit Bahasa Inggris. Minimal untuk nyebutin
harga dan jawab Yes or No.
Tapi meskipun kita tau harga modalnya, gimana caranya untuk bikin penjualnya mau jual ke kita dengan harga murah?
Gampang. Prinsipnya kayak nawar barang di Indo aja sebenernya sih...
1. Waktu nawar, pertama kali lu nyebutin harga, jangan terlalu tinggi.
Misalnya lu pengen beli barang itu dengan harga 20 kuai, mulailah nawar
dari 10 kuai. Kalo lu mulai dari 20 kuai, ujung2nya pasti ga akan deal
di harga 20 kuai, pasti minimal 25-35 kuai harga akhirnya. Mulailah dari
harga terendah yg lu bisa, dan naekin pelan2.
2. Jangan nunjukkin rasa suka yg berlebihan. Semakin keliatan kalo lu kesengsem berat sama barangnya, semakin dia ga mau turunin harganya.
3. Kalo penjualnya udah bersikukuh ga mau turunin harganya, pergi aja.
Biasanya kalo harga yg lu ajukan tuh masuk di akal, penjualnya akan
manggil lu untuk balik lagi dan kemudian setuju untuk kasih lu beli
dengan harga murah yg lu ajuin.
Gua kasih tau nih trick tawar menawar ala "Good Guy & Bad Guy" yg biasa sering gua pake
(Tingkat keberhasilan 80%)
Kalo lu mau nawar harga barang yg lu pengen, jangan dateng sendirian.
Ajaklah seorang temen untuk jadi "Bad Guy" sementara lu jadi "Good Guy"
Datengin penjualnya, tunjukin bahwa lu tertarik mau beli terus tanya
harga barangnya berapa. Setelah tau harganya berapa, lu tawar dengan
harga terendah yg menurut lu masuk di akal (baca petunjuk yg gua tulis
di atas)
Udah itu, biasanya si penjual bakal nolak harga yg lu kasih dan
turunin harganya sedikit dari harga awal yg dia kasih, tapi masih
termasuk mahal.
Pada saat ini, temen lu mendadak ikut nimbrung dan bilang "Mahal ih,
udah tinggalin aja" (dalam Bahasa Mandarin kalo bisa, biar penjualnya
ngerti) kemudian suruh dia narik, maksa lu pergi. Ngeliat keadaan
seperti ini, biasanya 95% si penjual akan manggil2 lu untuk balik lagi
dan akhirnya akan ngajak lu untuk deal dengan harga baru yg lebih rendah
dari harga yg dia sebut sebelumnya, tapi masih termasuk mahal.
Tolak lah harga ketiga ini, dan suruh temen lu kembali maksa2 lu
pergi. Dalam sebagian besar kasus (80%), si penjual biasanya akan
kembali kasih lu harga yg lebih rendah lagi dari harga sebelumnya dan
ini adalah harga yg PALING RENDAH yg bisa dia kasih. Kalo lu emang niat pengen beli barangnya, udah, deal aja dengan harga tersebut. Tingkat
keberhasilan 80%, tergantung hoki dan kemampuan akting lu. Biasanya
harganya bisa cuma 20-30% dari harga yg pertama penjualnya sebutin.
Silakan dicoba triknya. Ga harus di China, di Indo juga bisa kok kadang2...
Gua sih sering banget berhasil pake trik di atas, apalagi Bahasa
Mandarin sehari-hari gua sekarang udah lumayan lancar dan muka gua
Chinese banget, hahaha... Kalo penjualnya ga tau bahwa lu adalah orang
asing, chance keberhasilannya semakin besar =)
Satu hal yg harus diinget. Kalo lu belanja di tempat2 wisata terkenal
seperti Wangfujing Street di Beijing, harga awal yg mereka kasih tuh
bakal TINGGI banget. Misalnya, temen gua pernah mau beli sandal Crocs
dan penjualnya bilang harganya tuh 1600 kuai! (3,2 juta rupiah,
bayangin, sendal Crocsnya dibuat dari emas kah?) Setelah kita
tawar-menawar dan berdrama ria, akhirnya temen gua berhasil beli itu
sandal dengan harga 34 KUAI saja. Gila kan?
Hati2 juga kalo mau beli barang2 kerajinan tangan atau daun teh,
biasanya harga modalnya adalah 1% dari harga awal yg mereka tawarin.
Lukisan yg harganya 2000 kuai, mungkin kalo lu pinter nawar, bisa lu
beli dengan harga 20 kuai saja. Semakin penjualnya jago Bahasa Inggris,
semakin besar kemungkinan dia nipu lu.
Sekian tips dan trick soal tawar menawar di China. Kalo ada tips dan
trick tambahan berdasarkan pengalaman temen2 sendiri, silakan share di
kotak komentar di bawah ini ya.
Have a good weekend guys!
BONUS : Kosakata tawar menawar dalam Bahasa Mandarin
- Ini (这个 -Zhège)
- Itu (那个 -Nàgè)
- Di sini (这里 -Zhèlǐ)
- Di sana (那里 -Nàlǐ)
- Berapa harganya? (多少钱 - Duōshǎo qián)
- Mahal banget! Kemahalan! Terlalu mahal! (太贵了 - Tài guìle)
- Murahin sedikit donk! (请给我便宜一点吧 -Qǐng gěi wǒ piányi yīdiǎn ba)
- Oke (好的 -Hǎo de)
- Saya mau beli (我想买 - Wǒ xiǎng mǎi)
- Saya ga mau beli (我不买 -Wǒ bú mǎi)
- Mau (要 -Yào)
- Ga mau (不要 -Bùyào)
- Kita pergi aja deh (我们走吧 -Wǒmen zǒu ba)
reference: http://claude-c-kenni.blogspot.com/2013/11/tips-jitu-nawar-barang-di-china.html
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
How to Unsecure a Secure PDF File
A secure PDF file enforces copyright laws with features to prevent
reproduction or distribution by other users. The owner or creator of a
PDF file can restrict user access, printing, text copying and document
editing with password protection. If you need to edit or copy text from a
PDF, but don’t have access from the owner, follow these steps to
unsecure the PDF.
Method 1 of 6: Finding What is Restricted
1Open the PDF. If you need a password to open the file, then you will need to download encryption-breaking software. This method is very CPU-intensive, and even the simplest passwords can take days to crack, leaving your computer unable to perform any other tasks during that time. For highly-encrypted passwords, there is little chance that it can ever be cracked.
2Check the security. If you don’t need a password to open the file, you can see if a file is secured by looking for the padlock icon. This is located at the top of the left bar if the document has security. Click the icon to see what is restricted.
- Try copying. Restricted documents are often protected against copying. If you can’t highlight or copy any text, then the document has been restricted.
- Try saving. Restricted documents cannot be saved as a text file. In order to convert it, you will need to unlock it.
Method 2 of 6: Unsecure a PDF File as the Owner or Creator
1Open the secured PDF file. You can use Adobe Acrobat to do this. You must be the creator of the document, or have the password for this method to work.
2Click the Secure button. This button is located in the Tasks toolbar. It is easily identified by the padlock icon.
- Choose the Remove Security option if you want to completely unsecure the PDF file. If you previously assigned a Permissions Password to the secure PDF file, you will have to enter it at this time to complete the process.
3Change encryption settings. If you would rather adjust the encryption settings as opposed to unsecuring the PDF file, Click on the "Permission detail" link under the Secure button.
- Click "Change settings" in Document properties under Security tab after selecting "Certificate security" in drop-down list. You may also click and select "No Security" from drop down list to fully unsecure document.
- Select your encryption level and click next.
- You will need Digital ID to encrypt document. You may use any existing ID or create a new one for you.
- Check a recipient’s trusted identity, change a recipient’s permissions or remove recipients if you want to alter these items, then click Next.
- Click Finish and OK to save your changes and close the document properties window. Save the PDF file to implement the changes you have made.
Method 3 of 6: Using Google Drive
1Open Google Drive. You will need a free Google account to access Drive. First, you will need to adjust the settings so that files are properly converted. In the top right corner, click the gear icon to open the Settings menu. Under “Upload settings” select “Convert text from uploaded PDF and image files.”
2Upload the PDF. In the left frame, click the red button with the UP arrow, next to the Create button. Select “Files…” from the drop down menu and navigate to the PDF that you would like to unlock. Drive will upload and convert the document, creating a test document in your Drive folder.
- This method only works on Owner-restricted PDFs.
- Not all formatting will be preserved.
- Google Drive has a file upload limit of 2 MB per file.
Method 4 of 6: Using PDFUnlock
1Open the website. Using your browser, go to www.pdfunlock.com. This site will unlock PDF files no larger than 5 MB for free. This works on Owner-restricted PDFs only.
2Upload the file. Drag the file into the bar, or select one of the locations provided. If you select “My Computer,” you will be able to navigate to the file on your system. If you select “Dropbox” or “Google Drive,” you will need to sign into your respective account and select the file you wish to convert.
- Click the “Unlock!” button. Uploading may take a few moments depending on your connection speed and the size of the PDF file.
3Download the converted file. After your file is uploaded, PDFUnlock will send you the converted file. Save it to your computer wherever you’d like to access it. You can differentiate the file by the word “unlocked” in the file name.
4Check the permissions. Open the newly-converted file. Under the File menu, select Properties. In the Security tab, Security Method should say No Security.
- Document Assembly, Signing, and Creation of Template Pages will still be listed as Not Allowed. This is because Adobe Reader cannot perform these actions, and they want you to purchase the Pro version.
Method 5 of 6: Using Foxit Reader and CutePDF Writer
1Download the latest versions of Foxit Reader and CutePDF Writer. These are both free programs. Foxit Reader will allow you to open the PDF file and write it to a PDF printer. CutePDF Writer is a PDF printer than bypasses security restrictions.
- Trying this process using the Adobe reader and printer will result in the security preventing the writing process.
2Use Foxit Reader to open the secured PDF file. Select File, then Print to open the printer menu. Print the secured PDF file to CutePDF Writer.
- Save the printed file to your computer as a new PDF file.
3Open your new file. You can check the security settings by clicking File, then Properties. The security settings are detailed under the Security tab.
Method 6 of 6: Using Microsoft XPS Viewer
1Open the PDF in Adobe Reader. Select File, then Print. From the Printer drop down menu, select Microsoft XPS Document Writer. This will convert the PDF into an XPS file. When you start the print, you will be prompted to save the file.
2Open the XPS file with XPS Viewer. This program comes installed with Windows. From the Tools menu, select Print. Select the PDF Printer from the list. You will need either Adobe Acrobat or another PDF writer such as CutePDF.
3Save the file. After being prompted for a filename, the document will be converted back to PDF. The newly-converted PDF will be unsecured.
- This method might not work for some security measures applied on the original Secure PDF file.
- If you tried to make changes to you a PDF file for which you are the owner or creator, only to find that you lost your permissions password, you are not completely out of luck. There are programs available that will help you recover your password—for a price. You can find one to help you recover your lost password by performing a search engine query for keywords like “recover PDF password”.
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